Week 1 of Lockdown with kids

Take a breath! The first week of lockdown is over “And tonight Matthew, I will be having wine”!

It’s been a tough week and the prospect of the Weekend does not bring the feeling of relief and relaxation that is often does. I have shouted a lot this week, I have sighed loudly, I have rolled my eyes, I have spent that extra few minutes in the toilet to escape and been on my phone far too much. I have stayed in my gym kit for the whole day after finishing PE with Joe Wickes at 9am and I have gone through a whole jar of coffee! This virus isn’t going away anytime soon and so we better get used to it!

It’s hard being at home 24/7 with your Partner and your kids (or whoever lives in your house). We just don’t usually do it and there is very little scope for ‘quiet time’…..especially in our house! Running a business in this climate is hard. Attempting to ‘home-school’ a 6 year old and keep an 11 month old entertained (as well as the above) is tough! Being around your Partner 24/7 is an eye opener.

Despite that, these are the things I have learnt this week;

  • Eating breakfast, lunch and dinner with my Family every day has been wonderful.
  • Watching my kids play and laugh together when they would normally be at Nursery and School is lovely.
  • Being present when my baby let go of the couch and stood unaided and clapping for 30 seconds was magical.
  • Bouncing on the trampoline with my 6 year old and collapsing with laughter was wonderful.
  • Realising that my Partner and I make a pretty good team when the chips are down has made me smile.
  • Hearing my 6 year old whisperer in my ear before bed…..”this has been the best day ever”, when I felt I just bumbled through, made me cry.


We will never have this time again! It is not in the circumstance that any of us would want, and I appreciate that most of us have taken a huge financial hit during this time, but in many ways this time is a gift! I am blessed to have an amazing Partner and wonderful kids and I will go into next week with a different outlook. I am just going to be present and I am just going to be with my babies! All they want is to be with us!

Now, take a breath……and poor the wine!